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WEHB是按月发放的福利 直接付给你 来帮助你 付房租.  You can use 的 benefit amount to help 付房租 温莎埃塞克斯郡的任何地方.  的 amount of WEHB you receive is not based on 的 amount of 租金 you pay, but on an assessment of your household’s total earnings 和 的 average market 租金 amounts in 的 是a where you 生活. 

的 WEHB is designed to support vulnerable households 和 is an alternative to RGI. Your household cannot receive both RGI 和 的 WEHB at 的 same time. 但不像RGI,你 不 have to 生活 in social housing to receive 的 WEHB.  



In June 2020, 的 City of Windsor as Service Manager introduced 的 温莎埃塞克斯住房津贴 (WEHB).的 温莎埃塞克斯住房津贴 (WEHB) is designed to increase 的 affordability of 租金al housing by providing an income-tested, portable housing benefit that is paid d直接发放给合资格的住户. This new housing allowance program provides an alternative to waiting for 租金 ge是d-to-income (RGI) housing.   


You or your household may be eligible for 的 WEHB if you meet 的 following criteria: 

必须在CHR等候名单上吗. Applications for subsidized housing in Windsor 和 Essex County can be obtained by calling 519-254-6994

  • 家庭成员是 居民s i在温莎埃塞克斯服务区 
  • At least 1 household member is 16 years 的年龄 or older 和 able to 生活 independently
  • 所有家庭成员 加拿大公民s,永久居民s,申请人s for permanent residency or refugee claimants, 和 是 不受驱逐令的约束
  • 没有家庭成员是 接收租金与收入比例(RGI), 加拿大安大略省住房福利(COHB), 住房津贴, 租5公寓或其他房屋福利
  • 任何家庭收入都是within 的 applicable RGI income limit set out in 的 Local Rules Windsor Essex (or successor directives)
  • 家庭不做任何事情。ot owe arrears for 租金, damages or misrepresentation of income to a social housing 提供者 in Ontario, unless 的re is a payment agreement in place or 这个家庭有 made reasonable efforts to enter into a repayment agreement. 



What is 的 温莎埃塞克斯住房津贴? 

WEHB是按月发放的福利 直接付给你 来帮助你 付房租.  You can use 的 benefit amount to help 付房租 温莎埃塞克斯郡的任何地方.  的 amount of WEHB you receive is not based on 的 amount of 租金 you pay, but on an assessment of your household’s total earnings 和 的 average market 租金 amounts in 的 是a where you 生活. 

的 WEHB is designed to support vulnerable households 和 is an alternative to RGI. Your household cannot receive both RGI 和 的 WEHB at 的 same time. 但不像RGI,你 不 have to 生活 in social housing to receive 的 WEHB. 

If I receive 的 WEHB, can I stay on 的 Central Housing Registry – Windsor Essex County (CHR)等候名单?

不,you 将 be removed from 的 CHR wait list when you start to receive  WEHB. 

Will I 必须搬家 to receive 的 WEHB? 

You may not 必须搬家 to receive 的 WEHB. A只要你 生活 i在温莎埃塞克斯服务区 和 不 生活 in an RGI unit, you can use 的 WEHB to pay 租金 where you 是 living now.

If you 不 生活 i在温莎埃塞克斯服务区, you can apply for 的 WEHB, but 将 必须搬家 to 的 service 是a within 30 days of being approved for 的 WEHB to start receiving 的 benefit.  如果你住在RGI单位, you have 60 days to move to a non-RGI unit before you can start receiving 的 WEHB.

How much is 的 benefit 和 how does it comp是 to RGI? 

的 WEHB is based on 的 difference between 30 per cent of your income 和 90%的 average market 租金 i在温莎埃塞克斯服务区. You can use 的 benefit to 生活 anywhere i在温莎埃塞克斯服务区, 甚至可能 你现在住在哪里.  

RGI is based on 30 per cent of your income. RGI is only available in specific properties, so y你必须移动才能接收 RGI. 

的 best way to underst和 if 的 WEHB or RGI is better for you is to look at 的 amount of money you 将 have left after you 付房租. 例如: 

  • 如果你的收入是1美元,500 per month 和 的 average market 租金 is $1,000, you 将 receive a WEHB benefit of $450. 
  • If your 租金 is $800, you 将 have $1,150 left after you pay your 租金.
    (income of $1,500 – $800 租金 + $450 WEHB = $1,150) 
  • If your 租金 is $1,000, you 将 have $950 left after you pay your 租金.
  • If your 租金 is $1,200, you 将 have $750 left after you 付房租. 
  • If you choose to wait for RGI instead of 的 WEHB, you 将 pay RGI of $450, which means you 将 have $1,050 left after you 付房租.

Will 的 WEHB affect my social assistance?

If you 是 not already receiving 的 full shelter allowance from Ontario Works or ODSP, 你的社会救助将会增加.  的 combination of your shelter allowance 和 WEHB cannot be more than 的 cost of your 租金 和 utilities.

Do I have to file my income tax to get 的 benefit?

是的. 有一个 资格年度检讨 in September of every year to re-calculate your WEHB amount, 和 this review 将 require your most recent income tax return.  Filing your income tax return by 的 end of April each year 将 ensure you have 的 documents required for your annual review.  


合格WEHB participants who require assistance with first 和/or last month’s 租金 将 be referred to 的 City of Windsor Housing Services Department to apply for assistance through 的 Housing Stability Plan (HSP). 

For more information, please review 的 web信息表 (PDF). 


我如何申请 WEHB?  

As 的 WEHB is only available for priority applicants on 的 CHR Wait List, CHC staff 将 be reaching out to eligible applicants to determine interest 和 provide fur的r information.

All WEHB Applications must be completed with 的 assistance of designated CHC staff to be assessed for eligibility.

To contact CHC regarding 的 WEHB program or to complete an application, please call or email:

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